Cash Flow and Treasury

Cash Flow and Treasury

A common cause of business failure is due to inadequate cashflow management, but this is not always easy when your focus has to be across so many elements of business. But is a key determinant of business survival.

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Cash Flow &

Cashflow Management

Capital Management

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Risk Mitigation

Ultimately knowing and tracking the money coming in and going out of your business will give you the knowledge to predict what cash will be available to your business in the future. But it will also help with the here and now, identifying the amount needed to cover debts – including paying staff and suppliers. But how do you know if your business has enough money to keep running? PHF Advisory has considerable experience in reviewing and gaining a clear understanding of a business’s cashflow profile and will provide practical solutions to any cashflow challenges.

Identifying, assessing, and controlling any risks that your business has to its overall capital and earnings will be important to maximise return and ensure the business can grow and survive shocks. PHF Advisory analyses all areas of the business to unpack the challenges the business is experiencing, whether that be legal liabilities, financial uncertainty, or strategic direction to be able to deliver a workable plan which stabilises business performance.

Knowing how you can fund your business projects efficiently both for the short and long term will contribute to your overall success. PHF Advisory will gain a deep understanding of your company assets and liabilities to develop a plan which will enable you to continue operations for the short term. For those longer-term goals a clear understanding of your debt and equity position, your Capital Structure, is essential this will ensure maximisation of returns and drive business growth.

Growth strategies simply allow businesses to expand. Growth can be achieved through a number of different avenues and depending on the industry you are in and the market influences different strategies will be employed. The approach that PHF advisory takes makes them unique. They take the time to delve deeper, and make the effort to engage with you and your team across all levels of the business translating your business insights into financial information that can harness the growth strategies that will make your business succeed.

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